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My First Online Art Auction! #RVUAA

Writer's picture: LeanoreLeanore

On July 9th, I'll be on the Red Valkyrie Youtube channel auctioning off some of my original artwork in the first online art auction I have ever participated in. I'm really excited to see how it goes! I know that a lot of artists have sold their lots for some serious cash in previous Red Valkyrie Underground Art Auctions, but I'm honestly not expecting too much out of it. If I get my minimum for what I'm putting up, I'm going to call it a win.

The reason I'm not really expecting too much, isn't because I don't think that my artwork is valuable. It's because I've been too busy to promote myself as an artist the way that I'd really like to do lately. That means that there aren't goin't to be as many people clamoring to get their hands on my original work at the moment as there might be if I had been able to network and promote myself more. I'm still under 5k followers on Twitter, as of writing this, and it's still one of my largest platforms. Between the algorithms, and the lack of hours in the day, I'm not doing to well on the exposure front. The shop is getting sales and I'm still getting views, so it's not all bad overall.

I'm hoping that the artwork I've selected and sorted into lots for the auction is good enough to get some hype generated for the show. I've prepared three lots of artwork for the auction. All of them have several different pieces in them. Let's go through what I've got to offer, so you can decide if you'll wanna show up and make a bid!


The Doodle Lot

This lot is made up of select doodles from one of my older sketchbooks that I've trimmed out. I thought that it would be a good lot to start off with, because it could go for very little over shipping cost and I'd still be happy. All FOUR of these artworks are included in this lot.

"Bratty Pout"

First, I'd like to talk about this doodle that I'm calling "Bratty Pout." For those who haven't clocked it already, this is a self portrait. I was having a rough day, felt overwhelmed and instead of actually breaking down I decided to "doodle it out." I usually try to emulate a different style from memory when I do stuff like this. Which would be why this doodle doesn't look a whole heck of a lot like stuff I usually draw. I think that sort of adds to its charm and overall value. But, I might be biased.

"Flower Face"

This is a weird one, and I guess that's sort of the whole point for me, in this case. Sometimes, I do something just for the sake of being weird or unusual. I think that a woman's forehead cracking open and plants growing out of it qualifies as weird, don't you?

I'm pretty sure this is from me trying to work out some concepts for a painting that I still haven't finished yet. I think it's pretty neato. Hopefully, you do too.


This one's name is pretty self-explanatory. The motivation behind it also has to do with why I would consider this a "self portrait" of sorts.

I was trying to find ways to get myself out of a psychological "funk" of sorts. I had tried doing sad, mopey, artwork and doodles but it didn't help.

So, I decided to try drawing myself in the mood I wanted to be in rather than the mood that I was in at the time. It actually helped because I had to visualize what a laughing face looked like and it started to make me chuckle.

"Green Haired Lady in the Water"

That's a really wordy name. The reason behind that isn't even very exciting. I honestly just couldn't think of anything else to call it for auction purposes, but I still wanted to put it in this lot because I think it's a fun little doodle and I figured someone might enjoy having it.

I think I planned on using it as a base sketch for a full digital render and just never got around to it? Or maybe it was what inspired one of the mermaid paintings I haven't finished. Either way, she's cute and you should toss a bid her way come auction day.


The Spooky Lot

This lot is a bunch of nightmare fuel I've created over the years. I am pretty proud of all of these pieces and I think they are a pretty good representation of my skills over the years when it comes to horror themed artwork.

"I dunno Man"

So, I've named this what I've named it for a few different reasons.

Firstly, I have absolutely no idea what I was thinking when I drew it.

Second, I don't actually know what it is. Is it a dog? Is it a cat? Why does it have a semi-realistic humanoid face? Why do it's toes look like that? Why is it producing so much moisture at such a high velocity?

Thirdly, I don't know why anyone would want it. I also have no idea why I've never been able to just get rid of it and the idea of it going to a potentially loving home would be make me happy.

"Torn and Smiling"

This one was actually the result of me trying to relearn how to use markers as an artistic medium for coloring and not just ink work. The blending isn't great, but I think it's still over all a pretty good piece that is certainly capable of being the source of some uncomfortable feelings at night.

I went back and fourth about wether or not to include this one in the auction, but I really think it's a milestone piece from when I really started to want to study other mediums.

"My Friend"

This one might actually be the creepiest of the lot, to be completely honest. It's done entirely in watercolor and I was honestly just trying to doodle and do something cute and it ended up taking a dramatic turn for the unsettling. I think the creepy visual paired with the "cute" art style and pastel color pallet ads to the overall appeal of the artwork.

This was one that was hard to part with because I actually ended up being so fond of it. I just don't have the room to hoard each and every piece of artwork I so that I end up being really pleased with. That's not realistic. So, Hopefully, whoever wins this lot will be as pleased with it as I am!

"Frag Out Zombie"

The name for this one is pretty much based on the song I used for the speed paint video up on my youtube channel that shows of the creation process for this watercolor nightmare fuel.

I encourage you to hop on over to Youtube and check out the video! It's not too shabby for being filmed and edited entirely on a potato of a phone in 2017.


The Huntress Lot

This lot is named after what I think is likely to be the big draw for this lot. Every single one of these artworks is a watercolor painting. Some have some added ink work for definition, but otherwise it's all watercolor. The color pallets are even pretty much all the same for these four paintings.

"The Unicorn"

So, I think we can establish that some of these names I've given these artworks is made up on the spot because I never named them before. This one is literally just me describing the make subject. I used to draw and paint unicorns and dragons all the time when I was younger. At some point, I started drawing women and never looked back. I keep trying to work on going back to my fantasy art roots. This is an example of that from about 2018.

I'm pretty sure that all of the black on this piece was done with in of some kind rather than watercolor.

"See Through Pants"

Yup, I've named this painting after the subject too. I'm not so sure that this one isn't done entirely with watercolor. It's been a few years since I created some of these so I'm having to think back to remember what I was doing or thinking about at the time.

I am fairly confident that this was a clothing/fabric study around those pants and how to portray transparent fabric with watercolors. I think I intended it to be something of a sketch but It looks a little more finished than that, doesn't it?

"Watercolor Tears"

This one was actually a really fun experiment with colors. I tried to assign a color to a different tone range and it may not have come out exactly the way that I had initially envisioned it to be, but I think the final results are pretty neat.

I used some different line weights and microns to add the final definition to the piece at the end. The eyes were interesting because I wanted to try to use every color from the three color pallet I was using in the irises of the eyes and it wasn't as easy as I thought it would be.

"Huntress Watercolor"

This is the one that was the hardest to talk myself into putting up for auction. It was one of my first times attempting to do an homage to the style of Bruce Timm. I decided to go with Huntress for the subject because she wasn't trending at the time and I have this problem with being a contrarian.

I think the art style actually paired well with the painterly vibes of the watercolors. I tried to keep the colors light and washy but still vivid enough to make her pop. The background was fun because I didn't even sketch it out before hand and it still came out pretty damn good!


If you see anything you like in the artwork breakdown above, make sure you're at the Red Valkyrie Youtube Channel on Saturday, July 9th from 3pm to 6pm central to throw your bid out!

I really look forward to hanging out with everyone and getting my artwork into some more hands. This is my first time doing something like this online, so it will be a super fun experience either way that I am truly grateful for.



Art Life by Leanore © Leanore King
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