Ko-Fi Membership Tiers are Here!
As you may have noticed, by now, I have recently made the update to Membership Tiers over on my Ko-fi Page! This makes it so that folks can sign up to get access to various levels of exclusive content for a small, monthly, fee. I know that not as many folks are familiar with the platform Ko-fi as they should be. I figured that makes it as good of a time as any to explain what it is, and how I use it to provide paid content to my awesome supporters.
What is Ko-Fi?

The simple explanation is that Ko-fi is a way for creators to earn an income with their content. That really feels like an oversimplification, but it's 100% accurate. There are plenty of other similar platforms out there, I'm sure you've heard of them. In fact, if you can think of a platform that allows creators to earn any sort of income from their content, I've probably tried it at some point. Ko-fi is just the only one that I've liked enough to stick with for any extended period of time.
What makes Ko-fi stand out in the crowd, for me, is the fact that you can start out by using it as a free tip-jar. When I say free, I mean free. Ko-fi doesn't take any fees or percentages of your tips or earnings. In fact, you can do quite a bit with Ko-Fi without having to invest a cent. Wanna crowfund some new equipment or an upcoming project? You can do that on Ko-Fi.
Feeling like making a teeny commitment? Ko-fi GOLD is only $6 a month. That's it. No added fees or sudden cuts of your donations. With the upgrade you'll unlock loads of other bonus features like being able to take commissions directly on the platform, monthly supporter options, a shop for physical or digital goods, and the newly added Membership Tiers!
How I use Ko-Fi
When I first started using Ko-Fi it was just for the free donation/tip page features. Then, as I got more familiar with it, I was able to start taking sketch requests and commissions using the platform. Then, I took the plunge to Ko-Fi Gold and I haven't looked back since.
With the upgrade I was able to start taking recurring contributions and get access to features like the Ko-Fi Shop, and with the recent update, the Membership Tiers! I've never had a bad experience with Ko-fi. Furthermore, anytime I think a new feature would be neato... the eventually add it.
About My Membership Tiers
I haven't gone too crazy with membership tier options, just yet. In the future, I plan to expand this options to include tiers that get monthly swag packs and art prints. Right now, I've kept it simple with digitally delivered goods and ko-fi shop discounts. In fact, there are only two options and they are both VERY reasonably priced.
Doodle Dabbler

The "Doodle Dabbler" Tier is great for folks who want to support my craft, and get access to neat content, on a budget! This tier unlocks all the Hi-Res Artwork, vlogs, and Content that are either released early on Ko-Fi or EXCLUSIVELY on Ko-Fi!
Exclusive Content
Discord Access
Access to Supporter Only Discord Channels!
The "Doodle Dabbler" Tier is currently the least expensive tier I have up. Coming in at $3 a month, this tier is definitely worth the money.
Seriously Sketchy

"Seriously Sketchy" folks will get access to Exclusive Content, Early Releases, and Behind the Scenes details on upcoming content releases! In addition to:
Exclusive Content
Behind The Scenes
Discord Access
Access to Supporter Only Discord Channels!
Exclusive Discord Livestream Access!
The "Seriously Sketchy" membership tier is the most expensive tier I have available right now. Even so, coming in at only $5 per month the value speaks for its self!