My current YouTube channel has been around since January 13th of 2013.
That's over 6 years of failing at being a YouTube creator, in case you were trying to do math right now. I'm not really being hard on myself for the content quality either. I'm aware that my biggest shortcoming has always been proper self-promotion, but that's content for another post.
What's my "Most Viewed" video?
The most heavily viewed video on my channel isn't even the oldest one on there. It's actually the 6th video I posted on this channel and the first one I ever recorded of me creating art with physical mediums. In this case it was Acrylic paint.
This was a commissioned painting. A young man that I was running some meme-riddled Facebook pages with at the time wanted to get something special for his girlfriend at the time. Her favorite animal was the sea turtle. They have since split-up and he is now happily married with a child. Time really has flown since this video.
I understand that 2,153 views isn't a lot to most people on the platform. Hell, I have more twitter followers than that. However, it's still the most views I have on any video on my channel at this time. I suppose this post will serve as something to look back on if I ever get super fucking popular.