If you follow me on twitter, you've already seen them. However, I still felt like they deserved their own little announcement here on the website as well. I'd like to officially introduce you to my ongoing themed art collection "Beautiful Monsters".
My Inspiration

The initial inspiration for this collection came to me fairly organically. I came across a doodle in one of the sketchbooks that was just an eyeball with two irises. This gave me the desire to do an entire face and include the eye with two irises. This was the first face created for this collection. I gave her the "infinity" symbol on her forehead to remind me that she was the first, and the source of potentially never-ending inspiration for more beautiful monsters.
After the first face, the rest just came pouring out. I wanted to do different color combinations and feature configurations. Once I ended up with an entire rainbow of incredibly unique faces, I decided it was a good time to scan them all in and launch the collection to the world.
Get your Hands on a Beautiful Monster!
The original watercolors may be for sale in the future. For now, you can get high-quality prints and merch featuring these lovely designs over on Leanore's RedBubble store. You'll find each of the Monster Faces featured individually as well as all of them in a rainbow spectrum combo pattern.