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I might Actually Stream This Weekend!

It's no secret that it's been a very long time since I streamed on ANY platforms. If you know why, you know why. If you don't, mind your business. That's not the point anyway. The Point is that I'm thinking of doing a crash test stream this weekend to see if I can even still successfully DO any sort of streaming anymore, or if I'm gonna boomer it all to fuck. Now, the reason I'm not gonna try to stream art this weekend is because that actually takes more effort to set up. I'm gonna start simple by setting up a game stream to just hang out and chill for a bit. Now, I just need up deciding if I'm gonna play this "cute" game that has repeatedly made me screech out loud when I was streaming games and art on a weekly basis. Truth be told, I'm also testing out this polling feature I found on my website cuz I didn't know it was there. LOL

Thanks for humoring me! ❤️ Ya!

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I might Actually Stream This Weekend!

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It's no secret that it's been a very long time since I streamed on ANY platforms. If you know why, you know why. If you don't, mind your...
Art Life by Leanore © Leanore King
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