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#TROLLSMASHER #comic #PRomo Page is GO!

Well, I finally got a dedicated page on my website set up for the TROLLSMASHER development and production updates. I hope that I can do this right, and get enough hype together that when and if I do a crowdfunding run, it won't flop entirely.

I put some actual effort into this page, because I'm likely to be annoying the holy hell out of everyone with it for awhile. I mean, hopefully they'll be supportive of the project enough not to totally hate me for it.

I hope that by showing select parts of the creation process, those who are along for the ride will feel invested in the project, well before they ever spend any money on it. This is my first time ever doing something like this. I'm going all-in pretty much entirely solo on this one. So the more support and encouragement I can get, the better.

I am 100% open to suggestions as to publishers that are most likely to be interested in the project, as well as recommendations for promotions and crowdfunding. I have NEVER DONE SOMETHING LIKE THIS BEFORE. AT least not on this level. I'm pretty much expecting to fail, but hoping it isn't because the quality of my art and book suck. I'm sure, if it fails, it will be because I suck at promotions and sales and advertising when it's my own stuff.

Thank you for reading my updates and supporting the project!



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