As many of you, who follow me on Twitter, already know; I have been having a bit of a rough go of it lately. I have a day job, and it pays alright. The issue is that I keep getting hammered with unforeseeable issues that keep popping up at the absolute worst possible times. The most damning is the issues with our only source of transportation that occurred at the end of May.
Why that hurts so bad.

In order to get the truck safe to drive, we had to take out a loan. The payments for that loan eats up about 1/4 of my entire regularly monthly income. I have had to put off paying on other debts, such as medical expenses, in order to be able to keep all of the bills paid & a roof over our heads.
Basically, by the time I get my paycheck & pay all the bills, we have less than $200 left. Which is supposed to get us food, essentials, and gas for the entire month. That just isn't realistic. It's hard not to go into full panic mode every time I think about it. Unless a miracle leads to us being able to pay the loan off, in full, beforehand - I will be making payments on this loan until November. That means I have 4 more months to endure this current financial situation.
Not sure where I'd be without you guys.

For the past 2 months, I've been relying on what little support I get from those amazing people out there who find value in the art I make and the entertainment I attempt to provide. I have been doing the best I can, within the limits of my mental and physical health, to make that support worthwhile. To create artwork, videos, and live-streams that are entertaining. I genuinely love all of you and hope that I can make you all proud.
I started my journey as an artist and creator for my own benefit. Creating things was highly therapeutic for me. It is art, and creating art, that have kept me alive for 30 years so far. However, it is the support from those of you who enjoy what I do that has allowed me to thrive and feel confident in my talents. I will be forever grateful to all of you for that.
My Plans moving forward.

I have been working on a game plan to get caught up on and stay on top of commissions. I am also planning on doing more live-streams on a more regular basis. I have been working on getting the pages for the Art Book formatted and ready to go. Once the funds get dispersed into my account, I will start sending out the print orders and getting my 15 backers everything they were hoping for, and more.
This website will be getting updated more regularly. I am also working on producing content for other websites that will be launching in the near future. I'm trying to get guest spots on other shows, channels, and live-streams, as well. There is a very strong likelihood that people will get tired of seeing or hearing about me in upcoming months. I hope that I can remain entertaining enough for it to not become problematic.
I hope that you will all come along for the ride with me while I try to push myself and get my shit together. Things are going to be getting pretty exciting around these parts pretty soon.